Romeo + Juliet Questions:

  1. Complete the quotation: “These________delights have violent________.” “These violent event have violent ends”.
  2. Where did Romeo go when he was banished from Verona? When Romeo gets banished he goes to Mantua.
  3. Why did Friar Laurence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet? He thought that marrying them would stop the hatred between the two families.
  4. What is Paris’s last wish? Parises last wish is to lay with Juliet in her tomb while he dies.
  5. Why does Juliet tell Romeo not to swear by the moon? she tells Romeo not to swear on the moon because the moon is always changing.
  6. How did Romeo help to cause Mercutio’s death? Romeo came up with reasons to say why him and Tybalt should be friends but Mercutio couldn’t tolerate the conciliatory.
  7. Complete the quotation: “I will make thee think thy swan a __.” I will make thee think thy swan a crow.
  8. Who supplied Romeo with the poison? Balthazar was the person whos gave Romeo the poison to kill himself.
  9. What tribute do Capulet and Montague agree to pay to Romeo and Juliet after their
    deaths? After their deaths Capulet and Montague agree to make golden statues of Juliet and Romeo.
  10. Who informed Romeo about Juliet’s death? balthazar was went to mantua to inform him about juliet’s death
  11. Why did Friar Laurence’s letter never reach Romeo? He gave the letter to Friar John but Friar John was unable to deliver the letter to romeo.
  12. Who was made into ‘worms’ meat’? it was Mercutio he says “they have made worms meat of me”.
  13. Old Capulet’s servant had a problem with the list of guests he was to invite. What was the
    problem? The servant bumped into Romeo and Benvolio and Romeo saw that Rosoline was on invite sheet on thought if he went to the party he could see Rosaline.
  14. What upset Tybalt at the Capulet’s ball? Tybalt saw that Romeo was at the Capulet’s ball and told Capulet but he just told him to leave him and Tybalt got upset
  15. Who says, ‘Turn Benvolio and look upon thy death’? Tybalt says this quote.

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